S. Ajit Singh and S. Gurdit Singh of Village- Rasidpur, Block-Chamkaur Sahib sharing information flashed SMS as under KMAS
Krishi Vigyan Kendra-Roop Nagar has been very successfully transmitting the innovative technology generated by Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana since the beginning of Kisan Mobile Advisory Service project through Farmers’ Portal in 2013. The advisory aimed at faster horizontal diffusion of production and protection technology among farming community engaged in various agricultural activities viz. crop production, fruit and vegetable production, dairy farming, bee keeping, mushroom production etc.. Farmers throughout the district have been selected and KVK is providing information through their mobiles as SMSs. Messages (SMS) on different aspects viz. P.A.U. recommended varieties, sowing time, seed treatment, fertilizer management, irrigation schedule and plant protection measures for important crops of the district have been flashed so far. In addition, tips for successful vegetable production and animal health have also been flashed at appropriate time for the purpose.